About Us

We started years ago as a group of friends who wanted to put on a beer festival.

Vintage BBF

15 years on we are older, wiser? and now a registered charity raising money for local causes. To date we have raised and given over £90k to charity and we are aiming to make it to £100k this year. So please support us by coming and enjoying our festival.

Profits raised from the beer festival are given out each year and we can only do that with your support! We thank you wholeheartedly. Some good causes we have donated to so far include:

  • Local Schools and Nurseries (Baldock, Ashwell, Weston).
  • Keech Hospice
  • Isabel Hospice
  • Garden House Hospice
  • Baldock and Letchworth Foodbank
  • Feed up Warm Up
  • Herts Young Homeless
  • Children’s Cancer Charity
  • MIND
  • McMillan Lister
  • Addenbrookes Hospital Charity
  • Local youth sports groups (including):
    • Baldock Netball
    • Baldock Town Football
    • Letchworth Rugby
  • Heathlands Animal Sanctuary
  • Local Scouts, Guides and Brownies.
  • The Royal British Legion
  • Balstock (Set up)
  • Haven Sanctuary
  • Baldock Community Fireworks
  • Baldock Community Minibus

We also support individuals through the Baldock Hardship Fund.

The festival is entirely staffed by volunteers and we hope that with you and us we can continue to spread the love (of beer) and joy!

Charity number: 1163540